Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Vac Gelu
New perspectives in performance management. Appraising employees based on computer usage patterns
Proceedings of the International Conference: GSMAC 2018, Oradea, Romania, available online at:
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin; Grigore, Dumitru; Vaduva, Sebastian
Prostia ca manifestare. Efecte economico-sociale. Studiu de caz asupra societății românești
Proceedings of the International Conference: GSMAC 2018, Oradea, Romania
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin; Kovacs, Liciniu; Grigore, Dumitru
Reinventing education counselling by using psychometric technologies
Proceedings of the International Conference: ATLAS, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin; Vaduva, Sebastian
Semiotics and the entrepreneurial creation’s myths
Proceedings of the International Conference: GSMAC 2017, Oradea, Romania
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin; Kovacs, Liciniu; Vaduva, Sebastian
Online research and learning environment to facilitate the elaboration of bachelor’s / master’s theses in multidisciplinary teams
Proceedings of the International Conference: GSMAC 2017, Oradea, Romania
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin; Oncica-Sanislav, Dan
Politicized economy and its effects on business sustainability. A case study on Romania
Proceedings of the International Conference: GSMAC 2017, Oradea, Romania
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin; Pop, Ioan, Vaduva, Sebastian
Energetic sustainability and the environment: a transdisciplinary, economic-ecological approach
MDPI journals, Sustainability 2017, 9, 873
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Pop, Ioan, Vaduva, Sebastian
Shifting the basis of sales strategy towards an advanced knowledge based model
Proceedings of the International Conference: „Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin; Dan, Denis
Scientific Selling: Improving Sales Performance through Applied Psychology. Case study on a Romanian company
Proceedings of the International Conference: GSMAC 2016, Oradea, Romania
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Pop, Ioan, Dumitru,Grigore
Managerial fractal intelligences. Psychometric evidence for empowering the theory of multiple intelligences
Proceedings of the International Conference: GSMAC 2015–Dezvoltarea, finanțarea și creșterea organizațiilor, Oradea, Romania
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Pop, Ioan, Oncica-Sanislav, Dan
Managerial creativity, between native enhancing factors and environmental influencers
Proceedings of the International Conference: GSMAC 2015–Dezvoltarea, finanțarea și creșterea organizațiilor, Oradea, Romania
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Pop, Ioan, Prisac, Igor
A Transdisciplinary Approach on the Advanced Sustainable Knowledge Integration
Proceedings of the IETEC-BRCEBE Conference, Sibiu, Romania
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Pop, Ioan, Vaduva, Sebastian, Kovacs, Liciniu
Talent management and the quest for effective succession management in the knowledge based economy
Proceedings of the International Conference: GSMAC 2014–Etica în afaceri și leadership, Oradea, Romania
Talpos, Mihai-Florin, Kovacs, Liciniu
Comparative Quality Evaluation of Internet Banking Applications – Case Study of Three Romanian Banks
Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, USA, Volume 5, December, 2014, ISSN: 1949-0569
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Pop, Ioan
e-Business entrepreneurship. Identifying a business idea and testing its viability
Proceedings of the International Conference: Developing Entrepreneurial Mentality and Creativity in Romanian Business Environment, Oradea, Romania, ISSN 2359-8581
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Meltzer, Monika
Developing a marketing communication plan on an environmental concern: the impact of lead on birds
Ecoterra – Journal of Environmental Research and Protection, no. 37, pp. 37-50, available online at:
Talpos, Mihai-Florin, Kovacs, Liciniu
Internet & transdisciplinary based teamwork formula for elaborating a bachelor’s or a master’s thesis
International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 13, December 12-14, 2013), University of Bridgeport, USA (on DVD)
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Meltzer, Monika
The internet and its potential for an efficient environmental communication
Ecoterra – Journal of Environmental Research and Protection, no. 37, pp. 28-36, available online at:
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Cândea, Dan
Innovative methods to enhance the quality of Internet banking applications
Proceedings of the International Conference: Quality and innovation in Engineering and Management, Cluj Napoca, Editura U.T. Press, ISBN 978-973-662-614-2
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin
Future trends in alternative banking
Proceedings of the International Conference “Marketing from Information to Decision”, ISSN 2067-0338
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Chiş, Laviniu
Aspecte pro şi contra ale prezenţei corporaţiilor pe reţelele sociale
Articol Revista de Inginerie şi Management, Universitatea Tehnică Cluj Napoca, Vol 10, No. 2, ISSN 1583-624X
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin
Best practices in Internet banking
Proceedings of the International Conference: “The limits of the knowledge society”, Iaşi, România, ISBN 978-973-611-833-3(2)
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin
Branch Banking versus Internet banking – brief comparative analysis of two business models
Proceedings of the International Conference: “Science and Technology in the Context of Sustainable Development”, Ploieşti, România, ISSN 1224-6832
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin
Modern Solutions for Online Promotion of Tourism Offers
Proceedings of the International Conference: “Entrepreneurship in the hospitality industry”, Cluj-Napoca, România, ISSN 1224 – 8738
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Cândea, Dan
Innovative solutions for increasing the loyalty of the Internet banking users and improving the clients’ adoption rate
Articol Revista de Inginerie şi Management, Universitatea Tehnică Cluj Napoca, Vol.9, No.4, ISSN 1583-624X
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Cândea, Dan
Contemporary challenges in Internet Banking
The Proceedings of the International Conference: Managerial challenges of the contemporary society, Cluj-Napoca, România, ISBN 978-973-53-0182-8
Talpoş, Mihai-Florin, Someşan Cornel
Managementul schimbării şi impactul acestuia asupra resurselor umane ale organizaţiilor – cazul Întreprinderii de Armături Industriale din Fontă şi Oţel Zalău
Studia Universitatis Babeş Bolyai, Issue no. 2